

Page history last edited by Brian Cross 6 years, 4 months ago


8th Grade Science

Mr. B. Cross




Click on the unit link below and scroll down to the current activity we are working on in class.  All of the

information, links and downloads you may need are in the section.  Each activity is separated by a line.


Unit 1: Waves


Unit 2: Evolution


Unit 3: Human Impacts


Unit 4: Energy






Mini-Project #1


"What Science Am I?"



You will randomly select a field of science to research and investigate. You will be given some time in class to find out as much as you can about your science. You will then create a poster or illustration that represents it. You must use only pictures and symbols, but they must provide strong evidence that you explored your science thoroughly.


Use at least 4 different websites for your research and make sure you cite each website you use. You will need to do this in order to get full credit for your project. Your product must be colored, creative, and neat.


How to cite a website: American College of Rheumatology (n.d.), What is a Rheumatologist? Retrieved on September 10, 2012

from http://www.rheumatology.org/practice/clinical/patients/rheumatologist.asp


This project will be due: Tuesday, 9/11/18


Grading Rubric: What Science Am I.doc









The Water Cycle Project 


You will be working individually, with a partner, or as a group of 3 students to complete the assignment listed in the word document below.  The project is due by the end of class on Thursday and will count as a test grade.  Below is a rough outline of where you should be at the end of each day.  Below that, you will also see a list of the steps of the water cycle that should be included in your project.


Project Outline

Monday - Brainstorm ideas with your group for rough draft

Tuesday - Begin working on your rough draft

Wednesday - Continue working on your rough draft

Thursday - Revise rough draft and complete final draft to submit


Steps of the Water Cycle/Key Words


Surface Runoff





Water Pollution

Chemical Contamination

Biological Contamination


Water Cycle Project.doc










Bizarre Creatures found in the Mariana Trench (the deepest place on the planet)


Go to the following link or download the pdf file. Read through the article and look at the various bizarre creatures that can be found in Mariana Trench. Each creatue has a name in the top left-hand corner of the picture. Your task for the day is as follows:



Mariana Trench article.pdf



1) Choose two of the creatures that live in the Mariana Trench. Research what they are, how they survive in that environment, their size, how long they live and a few interesting facts about your creature.


2) After completing your research, I want you to write a bio on each creature using the facts/information you obtained through your research. Complete this bio on a microsoft word document.


3) Create your own creature that lives in the Mariana Trench:

- Draw a picture of your creature

-Write a bio about your creature

-In the bio, tell me what your creature is, how it survives in the environment, how big it is, how long it lives and a few interesting facts about your creature


4) When finished writing a bio for each and completing your drawing, find a partner and create a second drawing. this drawing should have each creature that you created in the scene. On the bottom (or on the back), tell me how the two creatures interact with each other. Are they predators, do they work together to find food, are they enemies? Be creative!


5) If you finish early, create a second creature for extra credit.












2015-2016 Assignments

2013-2014 Assignments  

2012-2013 School Year Assignments  


Period 1

Period 2

Period 4

Period 5

Period 6


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